The Selling Campaign

You've set the asking price and activated the marketing campaign. Now comes the scary part - letting strangers through your home whilst you're not there! At Earnshaws we're sympathetic to your concerns and will discuss with you the steps we take to safeguard your possessions.

If your property is priced correctly and promoted well, you will experience considerable interest in the home in the first few weeks. Additionally, this is when your home is presented best and your agent is the most enthusiastic about the prospects of a sale. The first 4 weeks is a prime time for getting an offer so don't waste it with an unreasonable asking price or lacklustre marketing campaign.

At Earnshaws we will design a marketing program for the length of the Selling Agency Agreement with the first four weeks being our main focus. Prior to commencing the Selling Campaign we will provide you with an agreed Marketing Schedule showing you when and where your property will be advertised. This may be varied during the program but will provide you with a valuable tool to measure our performance.

It is important to keep your property fresh in the market place. To this end, if you are unsuccessful in receiving an offer before the end of the fourth week you should review the marketing strategy to ensure you are targeting the right type of buyer.

Earnshaws prides itself on providing regular feedback to their vendors on individual inspections, results of home open days, general market conditions and recent sales and listings of similar properties in your area. This is vital information that you need before making marketing and pricing decisions.